2º Princess Street/Gardens Edinburgh
Heyyy guys
This week I had my reading week ("reading"), that means I had a week free to go and visit my beloved friend from back home who is studying in Edinburgh aaaand my other friend from Tenerife who came to visit us, so much fun!, therefore my second favourite place with my nikes is Princess street/gardens.
My friend has never been out of Spain so it's her first time visiting another country and ,good news, she loves it!.
She is impressed about how different it is from Spain although she is not so happy with the weather since Abigail storm struck Edinburgh. It even started snowing on Friday morning!
But the weather wasn't going to stop us, we went on Thursday to Princess Street and Princess Street Gardens so we could show her around and she loved all the buildings, the stores, the nature, etc. and I love it too! First time I was in Scotland was in Edinburgh and it was great everything is beautiful.
Here I leave you some pictures of our day

And YES I changed my jacket, I fell in love with this green bomber jacket I wanted so much to show it off and It looks better than my older one, I know everyone understands me as they have also done it (right? haha)
Lydia Austin
Scarf - Local shop in La orotava
Dress - Missguided
Jacket 1 - Pull and Bear
Jacket 2 - H&M
Handbag- Zara
Shoes - Nikes (Footlocker)
Esta semana tuve una semana libre asique decidí ir a visitar Edimburgo! Mi queridisima amiga de Tenerife estudia en Edimburgo y mi otra genial amiga vino a visitarnos a las dos, fue genial! Por lo que mi segundo sitio favorito es Princess Street/Gardens
Es la gran via de Edimburgo por llamarlo de alguna manera, una calle larguisima donde estan todas las tiendas y cafeterias, ademas tiene un parque justo al lado monisimoque tiene un caminito que da al castillo que se sitúa justo detrás.
Mi amiga estuvo impresionada con lo distinto que es Edimburgo a Tenerife, las calles, los edificios y el ambiente etc. Le encantó aunque el tiempo no estuvo a nuestro favor debido a una tormenta entrando al Reino Unido la cual hizo que nevase ligeramente el viernes por la mañana (super raro)
Aqui les dejo las fotos de nuestro día, y SI me cambie de chaqueta, me enamore tanto que queria presumir de ella y en mi opinion queda mejor que mi otra chaqueta. Seguro que alguna vez en vuestra vida habeis hecho esto (verdad? hahah)
Lydia Austin
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